Wednesday, July 04, 2012

The Lord would say to us this day, Take hold of the strength and power that are in you, declares the Lord.  The power and strength that are in you, are from My Spirit and from My Throne and they will sustain you in the times ahead.  I am doing a work in you My children.  I am perfecting you. I am your  strength and power and I will continue to do a work in you until you have accomplished all that I have for you to do, declares the Lord.  Stand firm then, taking your battle positions and make yourselves ready, for the work that I am going to do in you and through you will be a complete work and as you are obedient to My Word you will see the glory of the Lord manifest in your life and all around you, declares the Lord.  Do not seek the praise of men.  Seek My approval.  Seek My face, declares the Lord, and all these things shall be given to you. 

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