Thursday, January 10, 2013


The Lord would say to us this day, Come to Me my children.  Run to Me and I will Run to you.  I desire to dwell in the innermost parts of your hearts.  I AM Peace; I AM Life; I AM declares the Lord.  You will not be disappointed.  I see your life, not as you see it, but I see your life from My throne.  I see all that you do not see and I know all that you do not know.  Relinquish all control of your life and all of your circumstances and give Me your heart; give Me your all.  I have given you all that I posses, all My life, all My presence, all My Love and My Grace and all My Mercy.  Above all else, I have given you My only Son. 

I bid you, come!  Dwell in My Shadow and in My presence.  You will learn all that you need to know and you will experience My Love; like waves breaking across the shoreline. 

Listen My children, I did not give you all of Me for you to hold it on the inside.  I have given you a voice and I have given you hands and feet.  When I dwell in your heart I will be your heartbeat.  When I live in your mouth I will be your words.  As I send you, I will give you all that you will need.  You are My children.  Act like My children!  Follow the example that I sent to you; My Son Jesus Christ! 

Know this, My children I will always be with you, even when you can not see Me.  Even when you can not feel Me.  Even when you can not sense My presence, I AM, declares the Lord.   

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