Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Prayer for The Nation

Heavenly father, I decree and declare an atmosphere of praise over the nation.  I loose your spirit over each and every person and home and family.  Father, saturate the nation with Your Spirit;  hold our hearts close to Your heart.  Father, its hard to see all the goodness in this land; all of your blessings and favor.  All the times your salvation has hit close to home and when your Mighty Right Hand has upheld this great nation.  Daddy, don't take your Spirit away from this nation.  I pray for wisdom and discernment to come over your church.  I decree and declare Holy Ghost power and strength over each of Your children.  Holy Spirit empower all of the saints, in Christ, to speak and act boldly, in accordance with Your Word and in Jesus Name.  You have been preparing Your children for the end time harvest, for Your return.  Now, I ask according to Your Word, Send forth Your army into the dark places.  Into the lowly places.  Send us Father.  Here we are.  Father God, protect us as as we go forth and take Your Gospel to the ends of the earth. 

Father I prophecy, in the name of Jesus Christ, The lost will come forth by the thousands and by the hundreds of thousands into Your family.  They will come from unusual places with all kinds of unusual infirmities and in all kinds of spiritual conditions.  They will see through all of the fakness that the church has been living.  They will be hungry and thirsty; they are lost.  They will seek you out, my faithful ones.  They will come to your homes and to your places of business and you will not be able to contain them.  They will seek you out.  I will pour out discernment upon them and they will come to you My children.  Be on the alert, watch and pray.  I call the church to pray and fast for the lost.

Awake from your slumber, arise from your tables and greet the lost, that I will send your way, with open arms, and hearts full of love.  Declares the Lord.

Father, heal our nation, better yet, heal our hearts and cause us to be in right standing with You.  I decree and declare Your conviction over Your church.  May all the work You have invested into Your church, all the power, all the anointing, all the favor, all the love, all of the Holy Spirit that You have lavished upon us be put into motion.  Father, as a soldier comes to attention when his Commanding Officer comes into the room, may Your church, come to attention and receive her orders.  And then carry them out, to the glory of your name. 

Daddy, May Your grace and mercy follow us, saturate us, envelope us and be alive in all of our words and actions.  Protect the intention's of our hearts.  May we freely give away, just as You freely gave to us.  In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Seek Me

The Lord would say to us this day, Do not forget that apart from Me you can do nothing.  I AM the Lord God Almighty, The Maker of heaven and earth.  My only Son paid the debt that you owed and He paid it in full.  Do not be foolish and think in your heart that you can toil or labor to earn My love, for I will not manifest My presence in a prideful heart, declares the Lord. 

Redemption has been purchased at a great price.  Salvation is My free gift to you and to all generations.  Seek after Me and I will satisfy the desires of your heart; a broken and contrite heart I will not despise. 

Only know that I will not honor a prideful heart nor will I hold out My hand of blessing over a prideful generation.  I call out to your heart and I decree that I will love you and never forsake you.  Seek after Me.  Pursue Me.  I am pleased when you run after Me and love Me with all of your heart and all of your mind and all of your soul. 

Know that I am a Holy God and a jealous God.  I desire all of you.  When you seek Me and when you chase after Me, do so with all of your passion, all of your love, all of your being, declares the Lord.       

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Draw Close

The Lord would say to us this day, remember that My power resides in you My children.  Do not doubt or waver in your faith-walk in this preasent season.  I AM, declares the Lord and I will be your light when you need it.  My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.  You are My sons and daughters and I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.  These are trying times and you will need to seek Me as a man who is parched and thirsty and is desperate for a cool drink of water.  Seek Me and you will find Me.  Draw close to Me and I will draw close to you.    

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Land of the Free & Home of the Brave.

The Lord would say to us this day; Do not forget the Lord your God, O Land of the Free.  Do not forsake My ways and do not lean on your own understanding.  For I Am Soverign, declares the Lord.  I am the one who founded you and I am the one who will watch as you fall, if you do not returne to your First Love. 

I am the one who put the stars in their place.  I am the one who shifts the wind and gives it it's direction.  Seek Me and you will find Me, as long as it is day.  I am delighted when you pursue Me.  Run after Me and I will not disappoint you. 

But I tell you this, O home of the brave, if you do not returne to your first love and obey My Word's of hope and salvation, your mountian's magistey will melt away.  Fear not, for I am your Salvation and your Hope, declares the Lord.      

Thursday, November 22, 2012

When you wake up in the morning and your feet hit the carpet; what is your first thought about?  Work?  Recreation?  A drink or a puff?  What about your wife?  Your children?  Your car?  How about your past or your present or your future?  What do you think about?  Did you know that God thinks about you?
His thoughts are towards you and all of His creation.  Now I can here you say, "C'mon man, how can God know my thoughts?  I don't even believe in God".  It doesn't matter if you don't believe or if I believe, GOD IS. And he has thoughts towards you.  

Jeremiah 29:10-13
 For thus says the Lord

After seventy years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you and perform My good word toward you, and cause you to return to this place.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord,
thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. 
Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.  And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. (NKJV)    

Amos 4:13

He is the One Who makes the mountains and the wind. He makes His thoughts known to man. He turns the morning into darkness, and walks on the high places of the earth. The Lord God of All is His name. (NLV)

Thus says the Lord God Almighty, I Love you.  I know all about your life.  I know what is hidden in your heart and the secret thoughts the are in your mind and soul.  Know this, I have given all that I am for your salvation and stand at the right hand of the Father, ready to welcome you into My Father's presence.  Believe in Me, declares the Lord, And you will be saved. 


Keep the Faith

The Lord would say to us this day; keep the faith.  Do not wavier in your belief and trust in Me, declares the Lord.  I long for you to stand in my presence and worship Me.  When you come into my presence and worship Me, I will give you the desires of your heart, and then I will give you the wisdom to fully accomplish those desires.  When you are obedient to My purpose and plans for your life, I am pleased and will pour out My blessings into your life and circumstances, declares the Lord.  I will never leave you nor forsake you.

But, if you do not keep the faith and do not enter in to my presence, it will be hard for you to hear My words of life, and therefore, be obedient to Me.  I can not manifest My presence in the midst of disobedience and rebellion.  Your heart must be broken and contrite before you can come boldly into My throne room, declares the Lord. 

So, enter in to My presence sons and daughters of the most High God.  Enter in to My blessing and come under My Favorable Hand of Providence.  For I desire obedience over sacrifice; enter in. 


Friday, November 09, 2012

The Lord would say to us today, Do not worry, nor be anxious, for I have the world in My hands.  I am the giver and taker of life.  Do not doubt Me or forget all of the works I have done in this world; and for you, My sons and daughters.  Take the authority that I died for you to have and deliver the message of the gospel to all who are thirsty and hungry for the eternal life that is found only in My Son, Jesus Christ, declares the Lord God, Almighty.  I gave the heavens their boundaries and I set the oceans in place.  I AM the Author and Finisher of your faith, so stand tall and declare all of the words I have given you to declare, and walk out your destiny in the face of all adversity and trials, says the Lord.  You will find Me in the midst of the storm.  You will find Me in the midst of the Fire.  So, draw close to Me and I will draw close to you, declares the Lord.  I see the un-seen and I know the un-known, for I AM the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.  I Am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, says the Lord.  Do not fear.        

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Lord would say to us this day, Keep on fighting the good fight of faith.  Do not lose hope for I am the Hope of Glory.  I have given you divine weapons for warfare to take back ground that the enemy has stolen from you.  You are My warriors, declares the Lord God, Almighty. 

Know I Love you and have blessed you in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing.  Do not forget that you are My children and when your enemies attack you; they fight against Me, declares the Lord.  My strength is your strength.  My power is your power.  My Spirit lives in you to accomplish My will and the destiny that I have for you. 

Fight against the enemy of your souls.  Take authority over the works of the enemy.  You are My champions, declares the Lord.  My Love is the most powerful force in the universe; I Love you and will never leave you nor forsake you.  This is My promise to you, declares the Lord. 

Saturday, October 06, 2012

God Knows!

Remember, the Lord has your life in His hands.  God knows you better than you know your-self.  He knows your intentions and desires, your heart and all of your thoughts.  He knows the number of hairs on your head.  He knew you while you were in your mother's womb.  God knew all about you, in His heart, before the foundations of the world formed and put in place.  God knows. 

God's Son, Jesus Christ, also knows you.  He knows all about your life and the journey your on.  He knows when your life is in balance and on the straight and narrow.  He knows the pain and confusion you can feel when life is out of control.  Jesus walked the walk your walking.  Jesus lived in the place where you are living.  Jesus knows

The Spirit of God is everywhere.  He knows the deep things of God.  He knows all of God's thoughts towards you.  YES, God Thinks about you!  You are always on his mind and in His heart. The Spirit of God can guide you through all of life's deceptions.  He knows where all of the pit-falls are at and He can navigate you around them.  The Holy Spirit knows.

Wherever you are in life's journey, whatever the circumstances you find your-self engulfed in, know matter how high or how low.  When life is as dark as the night and all is crashing down around you, when you can not see or feel or think.  No matter how life is going for you at this moment, right know.  God knows you.

Please pray this with me:

God, become real to me.  I invite you in to my heart.  I ask you to take up residence in my life.  I give you complete and total permission to take the reigns of my life. Guide me through the rest of my life.  God, I pray that your Spirit, love and compassion would envelope and saturate me, right know.

 I confess my need for a savior.  I am lost.  I confess all of my sins, known and UN-known, to you right know.  Come into my life and cleanse me,by Your blood.  I acknowledge and confess the salvation you bought for me on the cross. 

I declare your salvation, in it's fullness, over my life, in the name of Jesus Christ.  Thank you for saving me.  Thank you for loving me.  In the Name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen!

NOW, let me pray over you:

Heavenly Father!  Daddy!  I ask you to shower my Brother!  My Sister!  With the power and fullness of Your love.  Anoint them to take the Gospel to the world.  Fill them with Your Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.  And by Your Spirit, give them the interpretations when they speak in tongues.

I decree and declare that you will have the power to overcome all the enemy throws your way!  I decree and declare the freedom and fruitfulness that  comes by the power of the Holy Spirit and by the blood of Jesus!  I speak over you words of life, wholeness, divine health, prosperity, and I confess over you; grace, and all of the spiritual blessings that are in the heavenly realms, in Christ Jesus. 
I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him.  Having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones).  And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe.

Daddy, Hold them in Your hands, never letting them go.  Holy Spirit, guide them into the deep things of God.  I pray that you will grow up and mature in the new relationship you now have with the Creator of existence!  Make your mistakes, grow up in your faith.  Allow your Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, to rear you up in the knowledge and forgiveness of the Lord! 

I seal this relationship, in the presence of God the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ and by the witness of the Holy Spirit.  Amen!   

Thursday, August 09, 2012

The Lord would have us know that He is in control.  He knows all of our hidden secrets.  He knows all of our dreams and plans.  He knows all of our thoughts and actions, before we think or act them out.  He has counted all of our tears and hears all of our laughter.  He knows all of our fears.  He knows us better than we know ourselves. 

And the Lord would say to us this day, I am here for you and will never stop loving you.  You are on My mind all of the time and there is a special place, close to My heart, that will never be erased from the portals of time.  That place is Calvary, declares the Lord.  All of time is hinged on the Cross.  All of My love is there, all of My best is at the Cross.  You are My creation and I want you to know all that I have destined for you.  I bid you come, come to My heart, come to Calvary.   

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Lord would say to us this day, Hold on to the Hope of Glory in the days that lie ahead.  I AM, declares the Lord.  I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.  I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and I am above all that the enemy can throw at you, declares the Lord.  Stand your ground.  Live in the authority that was purchased for you at Calvary.  For I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Only seek Me as a fine treasure and not only will I give you the desires of your heart, I will accomplish them through you, declares the Lord.  I am pursuing you and I am relentless in My pursuit, so pay close attention to My leading.  For I will not allow fear to reside in your hearts or  overcome you in this present season.  For I am doing a fresh work in you.  Rejoice! And again I say Rejoice!  For I will accomplish the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord.         

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

The Lord would say to us this day, Take hold of the strength and power that are in you, declares the Lord.  The power and strength that are in you, are from My Spirit and from My Throne and they will sustain you in the times ahead.  I am doing a work in you My children.  I am perfecting you. I am your  strength and power and I will continue to do a work in you until you have accomplished all that I have for you to do, declares the Lord.  Stand firm then, taking your battle positions and make yourselves ready, for the work that I am going to do in you and through you will be a complete work and as you are obedient to My Word you will see the glory of the Lord manifest in your life and all around you, declares the Lord.  Do not seek the praise of men.  Seek My approval.  Seek My face, declares the Lord, and all these things shall be given to you. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Word for the Day!

The Lord would say to us this day; Do not look to the world for your sense of identity.  All of who you are is found in My Son, Jesus Christ, declares the Lord God Almighty.  Your destiny is found in Me.  I have given you the power of My Holy Spirit to empower you to live and walk as children of the King.  You are representatives of heaven in this present age and you will accomplish all that I have sent forth for you to accomplish, declares the Lord.  I Am the Lord your Saviour.  All you need  is found in Me.  Joy, Life, and Healing.  Salvation, Power, and Strength.  Victory and Love.  All you need to do is ask, according to My will, and you shall receive, declares the Lord.  

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Word Given over Touched by Mercy Ministries

The Lord would say to us this day, Assemble yourselves together and sound the trumpets, for I am the Lord your God. Position yourselves in Me so that you can discern the times in which you live. I am doing a new work and and pouring forth fresh oil to revitalize your spirit, says the Lord. Do not compromise your position in Me by being lazy and slothful, but be diligent and seek Me, for I will never leave you nor forsake you. I AM, declares the Lord, all that you need is found in Me and My resources are eternal and can not be exhausted. Sound the trumpets, for your redemption draws near, says the Lord.

Monday, June 04, 2012

The Lord would say to us this day, I am the lifter of your head, I am your rear guard and I am the covering over your life.  Do not be dismayed over what your eyes see in the natural realm, nor let your hearts sink into despaired over what your ears hear in the natural realm.  For I am calling you to see and to hear with your spiritual eyes and ears, declares the Lord.  I am calling you to discern and test the spiritual atmosphere that is around you.  The natural realm can deceive you and draw you away from what is really important; The salvation of your souls.  I AM, declares the Lord.  I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.  As you declare life and protection and salvation into the atmosphere around you, you will sense My presence.  I will guide you by the power of My Spirit. My Word will illuminate your path towards holiness and righteousness, declares the Lord.        

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Lord would say to us this day; you cannot hide your sin from Me.  I see all that is in your heart, for I AM, declares the Lord.  All that is in your life will either be disclosed now by your repentant heart, or it will be disclosed on the Day of Judgement.   The decision to release all that holds you bound, the decision to repent of your sin and come before Me under the covering of My Son's blood, is whole-hearted yours, declares the Lord God Almighty.  It is My desire for you to dwell in My presence and receive all that I have and all that I desire for you.  I am holy, therefore, you be holy, declares the Lord.  Do not live in the futility of the world, for in that you will only find death and destruction, but place your life in Me, declares the Lord and you will find Living Water.     

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Word Given Over Touched by Mercy Ministries

I hear the Lord say "Remember that I love you My children.  I love you with an everlasting love, an ever-expanding love, a love that has no bounds or limits," declares the Lord. "Remember what My word says; I loved the world so much that I sent My Son into the world to save, heal and deliver you, so you could have a relationship with Me.  That love has not diminished, nor has it lessened in intensity, for I am the same yesterday, today, and forever," declares the Lord!  "Remember the times I have loved you unconditionally and then allow that love to flow freely, into the world around you.  Allow this love to propel you into the center of My will and then freely give that love away," says the Lord.  "I AM Love," declares the Lord!      

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Word Given Over Touched by Mercy Ministries

The Lord would say to us this day, "come up out from where you are into a higher level of My presence, says the Lord."  "For I desire deeper communion with you for, it is My heart that you desire more intimacy, deeper conviction and a stronger determination to press into the Spirit, declares the Lord"  "Do not settle for the status quo, but come up to where I am, says the Lord"  "For in doing so you will come closer to My heart and I will give you the desires of your heart and then I will accomplish them to My glory, declares the Lord."  "Come up to where I am and see the wonders that I have destined for you, declares the Lord."   

Monday, April 30, 2012

A Word Given Over Touched by Mercy Ministries.

The Lord would say to us this day, do not look to things that are temporal or the things of the earth, they are fleeting and will not satisfy, declares the Lord.  You must rise above the temporal and seek higher ground in My Kingdom.  I desire for you to come up higher and dwell in My presence, declares the Lord.  For it is here where you will find satisfaction and peace for your soul.  Your flesh will wage war against this pressing in, but you have overcome this by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony, declares the Lord!  I AM, declares the Lord and I will accomplish all that I have set forth to accomplish in this time and season of your life.  Remember Who I am and all that I have done in and through you, as this will propel you higher and give you the tenacity to not give up, declares the Lord!  Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you!    

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Word given over Touched by Mercy Ministries

Good morning fellow warriors, Just a word from my heart; the Lord would say to us this day to stay the course!  Do not cross the boundaries that I have established in your life.  They are there to help you in the good fight of faith, says the Lord.  These boundaries are also in your life to keep you centered in all that I am doing in and through you in this present season.  Do not speculate as to how I will maneuver you and where I will place you within these boundaries, says the Lord.  Trust in Me.  Trust in My word.  And trust My Holy Spirit to guide you.  Stay the course, says the Lord; I am Sovereign!

Monday, April 16, 2012

It Is Time

The Lord would say to us this day, watch and be ready.  I call to you who have an ear to hear and eyes to see the signs of the times, declares the Lord.  Watch and be ready because I am calling you to come up higher, higher than where you are at this present time.  My Ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts, declares the Lord.  Now is the time to discern the spirits and to know that which is of Me and to know that which is of the adversary.  The more time you spend in My presence, the more you will know Me and all that I have for you in this season, declares the Lord.  Come up higher, for it is My desire to have you dwell in the shadow of Almighty God.  It is there where you will find the peace of spirit to discern the atmosphere around you.  It is the time for you to come up higher, declares the Lord!    

Sunday, April 08, 2012

The Cross of Salvation

The Lord would say to His children this day, Look to the cross for the fullness of your salvation.  All that you seek and chase after is found at the cross of salvation; where heaven and earth meet.  I have ordained this from the foundations of the world, declares the Lord.  Seek Me and you will find Me; draw close to Me and I will Draw close to you.  It is at the cross where you will find Me.  Salvation is here, deliverance is here, healing is here, I AM, declares the Lord.  There are no shadows at the cross, only light.  Light to illuminate your life, so you may see what is in your heart.  Do not bee fooled, declares the Lord, I see all that is in your heart.  I see the intentions of your heart, I know your thoughts before you think them and your actions before you accomplish them.  Take this to heart My children, I love you with an everlasting love.  My love will not run out.  My love will never stop pursuing you.  My love, My grace, and My mercy are at the cross.  Compelling you to come to a higher place where the ground is level so you may discern the atmosphere that is around you.  Seek My face and I will show you My heart, declares the Lord.   Come to Me, and meet Me at the cross of salvation. 

Sunday, April 01, 2012

A Word given over Touched by Mercy Ministries

The Lord would say to us this day, do not look to things that are temporal or the things of the earth, they are fleeting and will not satisfy, declares the Lord.  You must rise above the temporal and seek higher ground in My Kingdom.  I desire for you to come up higher and dwell in My presence, declares the Lord.  For it is here where you will find satisfaction and peace for your soul.  Your flesh will wage war against this pressing in, but you have overcome this by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony, declares the Lord! 
I AM, declares the Lord and I will accomplish all that I have set forth to accomplish in this time and season of your life.  Remember Who I am and all that I have done in and through you, as this will propel you higher and give you the tenacity to not give up, declares the Lord!  Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you!    

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Word Given over Touched by Mercy Ministries

The Lord would say to us this day, "Where are My champions?"  Where are My Warriors?" "Like the champions and warriors of old, who stood for righteousness!" "Where is My Sampson?"  "Where is My Ester?" " I would call you this day to rise up!"  "Rise up and take your place in My kingdom and in My power!"  "My Son did not die for nothing.  Rise up My people and make a stand for those who can’t stand for themselves.  I have done My part!  Now it is time for you to do your part." declares the Lord!"  "I have given you all power and all authority and all dominion over all of the earth!"  "Take back from the enemy what he has stolen!"  "Look to Me for your sense of peace and discernment; do not fear!"  "For I am true and faithful to all of My Word and all of My promises, declares the Lord!"  "Stand for righteousness!"  Stand for the ones who need a champion, declares the Lord!"

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Word given over Touched by Mercy Ministries.

I have called you to repent for your city. Sin is running ramped among you my children. How long will you compromise My Word and grieve my Holy Spirit? Say's the Lord!  Repent! Repent! Repent! Says the Lord! And I will give you my Spirit in abundance; like a flowing river down a high water fall. My presence will come flooding in like a mighty river, Says the Lord! But know this My children, unless someone stand in the gap, in intercession, I will not show up on the scene. My presence will not manifest It‘s self among and within a sinful people. Repent, Says the Lord!

Monday, March 05, 2012

It's All About Position

Why does the Lord allow us to be placed in a position that would cause us to press through, into the spirit? What barriers do we run into? And what is the end result of this working in our life?

I would like to bring up the account of Paul and Silas and the slave girl who had a spirit of predicting the future (Acts 16:16-34). Paul and Silas, along with the others who were with them, were going down to the place of prayer (this is Philippi, where Lydia was converted). As they were traveling along the way, they were undoubtedly discussing the previous day's events and preparing their hearts for prayer. Now, in Acts 16:17-18, Luke states that the girl was proclaiming (shouting), by means of a spirit, that "these men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved", and this she did for many days. In his eye-witnessed account, Luke tells us that this grieved or sorely annoyed Paul (to the point of being worn out)! When we look at this word grieved a little closer we find that Paul had to toil through this unsettling time. Toiling to the point of anguish or pain. What was Paul worn out from? The girl shouting loudly and all the implied implications of the girls actions or was Paul worn out by intensely focusing on entering into the spirit? Whatever the root cause of this toilsome experience, Paul was not going to allow this invasive spirit to distract him or the band of followers with him from pressing through, into the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit! What was the purpose of God allowing this to take place? What barriers did Paul have to overcome? And finally, when would Paul and Silas reach the ends of their pressing through? Let us look to the rest of this account given by Luke, the physician.

Paul, having been put through enough by this annoying spirit, turned about and in the name of Jesus Christ rebuked the spirit and commanded it to come out of the girl! At that moment, the spirit left her. There were still more barriers to overcome. The fact that this spirit was cast out greatly angered the men who were making a profit of this girl's misfortune. So much so that the crowed of on-lookers seized Paul and Silas and brought them in front of the leaders of the city of Philippi. They filed false charges against Paul and Silas and after display of rending garments, the leaders had Paul and Silas taken away and striped, flogged severely, and thrown into prison. All these Christians wanted was to go to their place of prayer and spend time with their Lord. Whether it be the world or the enemy, barriers will be in our way, if they are not dealt with. What if God has allowed these barriers to bring Paul and Silas,and you and I, to a place where our pressing through will give Him the most praise, honor and glory!

Pressing through for Paul and Silas meant exercising their faith (casting the spirit out of the girl in Jesus' name). As well as, pressing through the persecution that came by the exercising of their faith (being seized and stripped, severely flogged and thrown into prison). Finely, Paul and Silas were in the place where their pressing through would be the most effective! Oh christian,
Gods' plans and ways are higher than ours. He can see the end result of all of our words and actions. Let us go up higher to Him, who is the Father of the heavenly lights!

Oh heavenly Father! Mold me. Shape me. Bring me through the refining fire.
Work in my life. As I press through into your Holy Spirit, position me into those set of circumstances the will result in You receiving all of the most excellent glory, honor and praise! Amen.

Monday, February 27, 2012


What do You struggle with? Pride, unjust anger, complacency? Maybe it's pornography or you struggle with overeating (gluttony). Whatever the struggle, it can be summed up in one complicated word. SIN! What is sin? How does it control our lives? And the ever looming question, How can it be eradicated from my life?

Webster's dictionary calls sin for what it is: 1 : an offense esp. against God 2 : Fault 3 : a weakened state of human nature in which the self is estranged from God. To continue with this line of thought, we must know the definition of the word estranged. In the definition above, this word estranged is used as a verb (act or action). It's definition is as follows : to alienate the affections or confidence of. Now, let's look at the beginning part of the definition of the word sin; a weakened state of human nature. We have a nature that is bent towards sin!"...But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.' For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what makes a man 'unclean'...

When we sin we are unclean, when we are unclean, we cannot stand in the presence of God Almighty! Sin is whatever separates us from God! Jesus said, the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart. Sin wants to take over the human heart. Sin is infectious and spreads like gangrene to the whole heart. When the heart is left empty and barren, void of the word of God, it can become a cesspool of the most vile thoughts and emotions; anxious and full of
discouragement. Troublesome and tormented, broken and heavy. Anguished, full of fear and anger. Sin in it's completed form is death. This line of thought, left alone, is depressing and vexing.

Praise be to the Father of the heavenly lights! Through His son, Jesus Christ, we are given a new and clean heart; and this only by the precious blood of the Lamb! How is sin eradicated from the human heart? IT'S THE CROSS! Through Jesus' death on the cross and His glorious resurrection and ascension into heaven, God the Father made a way where there was no way.
Oh sinner, please realize that Jesus has a new heart waiting for you. A heart built to hold the precious word of God. A heart that can cry out for the living God! One that is thankful and meditates on the word of God that is hidden deep within. How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Praise be to you, O LORD; teach me your decrees. With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth. I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word. (Psalms 119: 9-16)

Oh precious heavenly Father, I acknowledge the sin that so easily entangles me. I confess my sin to You and ask You to give me a new heart, that I might hide Your word within it's strong walls! Holy Spirit, I invite you into my heart. Come and empower me to live a sanctified and holy life. Jesus, I declare you to be the Lord of my life. Live Your life through me, as I yield to Your will. As you see what I can't, guide and protect this new heart. In Jesus name. Amen.   

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ambassadors of Christ

Good Evening, the Lord would remind us this day that we are His Ambassadors to this lost and dying generation! You need to remember who you are and to whom you belong too, declares the Lord.  I did not send My Son to die and then not empower you to take My word to this last generation.  You have the power in My name for the tearing down of strongholds.  You have the authority to cast out demons and to lay hands on the sick and they will recover.  I have empowered you to speak My words of life and peace to a lost generation, declares the Lord.  Be bold, be very courageous, My children.  I have given to you this moment in time to take My light to this dark world.  Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world, declares the Lord