Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Prayer for The Nation

Heavenly father, I decree and declare an atmosphere of praise over the nation.  I loose your spirit over each and every person and home and family.  Father, saturate the nation with Your Spirit;  hold our hearts close to Your heart.  Father, its hard to see all the goodness in this land; all of your blessings and favor.  All the times your salvation has hit close to home and when your Mighty Right Hand has upheld this great nation.  Daddy, don't take your Spirit away from this nation.  I pray for wisdom and discernment to come over your church.  I decree and declare Holy Ghost power and strength over each of Your children.  Holy Spirit empower all of the saints, in Christ, to speak and act boldly, in accordance with Your Word and in Jesus Name.  You have been preparing Your children for the end time harvest, for Your return.  Now, I ask according to Your Word, Send forth Your army into the dark places.  Into the lowly places.  Send us Father.  Here we are.  Father God, protect us as as we go forth and take Your Gospel to the ends of the earth. 

Father I prophecy, in the name of Jesus Christ, The lost will come forth by the thousands and by the hundreds of thousands into Your family.  They will come from unusual places with all kinds of unusual infirmities and in all kinds of spiritual conditions.  They will see through all of the fakness that the church has been living.  They will be hungry and thirsty; they are lost.  They will seek you out, my faithful ones.  They will come to your homes and to your places of business and you will not be able to contain them.  They will seek you out.  I will pour out discernment upon them and they will come to you My children.  Be on the alert, watch and pray.  I call the church to pray and fast for the lost.

Awake from your slumber, arise from your tables and greet the lost, that I will send your way, with open arms, and hearts full of love.  Declares the Lord.

Father, heal our nation, better yet, heal our hearts and cause us to be in right standing with You.  I decree and declare Your conviction over Your church.  May all the work You have invested into Your church, all the power, all the anointing, all the favor, all the love, all of the Holy Spirit that You have lavished upon us be put into motion.  Father, as a soldier comes to attention when his Commanding Officer comes into the room, may Your church, come to attention and receive her orders.  And then carry them out, to the glory of your name. 

Daddy, May Your grace and mercy follow us, saturate us, envelope us and be alive in all of our words and actions.  Protect the intention's of our hearts.  May we freely give away, just as You freely gave to us.  In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Seek Me

The Lord would say to us this day, Do not forget that apart from Me you can do nothing.  I AM the Lord God Almighty, The Maker of heaven and earth.  My only Son paid the debt that you owed and He paid it in full.  Do not be foolish and think in your heart that you can toil or labor to earn My love, for I will not manifest My presence in a prideful heart, declares the Lord. 

Redemption has been purchased at a great price.  Salvation is My free gift to you and to all generations.  Seek after Me and I will satisfy the desires of your heart; a broken and contrite heart I will not despise. 

Only know that I will not honor a prideful heart nor will I hold out My hand of blessing over a prideful generation.  I call out to your heart and I decree that I will love you and never forsake you.  Seek after Me.  Pursue Me.  I am pleased when you run after Me and love Me with all of your heart and all of your mind and all of your soul. 

Know that I am a Holy God and a jealous God.  I desire all of you.  When you seek Me and when you chase after Me, do so with all of your passion, all of your love, all of your being, declares the Lord.       

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Draw Close

The Lord would say to us this day, remember that My power resides in you My children.  Do not doubt or waver in your faith-walk in this preasent season.  I AM, declares the Lord and I will be your light when you need it.  My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.  You are My sons and daughters and I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.  These are trying times and you will need to seek Me as a man who is parched and thirsty and is desperate for a cool drink of water.  Seek Me and you will find Me.  Draw close to Me and I will draw close to you.